Jackie’s Joyous Journey


Jackie Collver, Writer

I have been writing for The Nugget for two years, and it’s been one of the most fun classes I’ve taken. In that time, I’ve met so many amazing people, gotten closer to my friends and met new ones along the way. I will be forever grateful for this class and all the laughs and random conversations we have all had here. Thank you to everyone at The Nugget for making me laugh constantly and for bringing me such a huge sense of happiness. In The Nugget, I have felt as though I belong somewhere, and that my thoughts are listened to – even the most pointless ones, such as my never-ending French facts that everyone has been forced to listen to.

The adventures we have had together in this class have been unforgettable. Jasper, I will never forget when we left you at school to go to Great Harvest. That was so hilarious but also a little terrifying. Or like the time Annabelle made teepees out of sticks. And, of course, our Lit or Light podcast. All of these adventures and projects and even everyday class periods have been so much fun, and I will never forget the good times I have had with all of you.
Will, Ethan, Maisie, and Jasper, it has been amazing getting to know all of you. I hope you have an amazing summer! Annabelle, Emmi, and Sammi, it has been so fun going through our senior year of high school together! I am so excited to see what our futures have in store for us.

Throughout this school year, I have gone through many emotional rollercoasters spiraling around the thought of graduating high school and leaving The Nugget. I have been sad about leaving my family and friends, my little brother in particular. I have also been stressed and anxious about the massive change that comes with moving, especially from high school to college. However, I have also been excited and happy to finally get on with my life and continue to higher education.

I have outgrown high school, and I’m grateful it’s finally time to graduate. My mental willingness to finish homework and put my best foot forward on tests and such has officially died as of May 23rd. Hopefully, my grades won’t tank at the very end of the semester because of this, and I’ll actually want to work sometime before classes start at college. But…we’ll just have to see.

So, to everyone in The Nugget, I will miss you very much. I won’t miss high school in general, although I have had many laughs and met many friends that I won’t forget any time soon. Thank you to my amazing teachers for being so supportive of me and my dreams, and a special shoutout to Ms. Walsh for working so hard for both our school’s newspaper and yearbook.

I won’t forget high school and all the amazing people I’ve met. As I’m chillin’ on the University of Montana campus, remember, Helena High, I will also be thinking of you.