The Blizzard Ball: What to Know about Winter Formal 2022

Emmi Highness, Editor, Writer

The Blizzard Ball, held on February 5th, will mark the first dance Helena High’s Student Council has put on since the winter formal of 2019. While there is a lot of excitement about getting this fun event back, Student Council has had to overcome some challenges to make it happen. 

Rylie Schoenfield, a senior and first-year student council member, said that COVID has posed a big challenge. Winter formal is traditionally held in December before winter break, but this year it was delayed until February due to high COVID numbers. Getting Mr. Thennis on board was another obstacle, Schoenfield said. Havana Lane, also a senior and student council member, added that a further challenge is that many student council members haven’t had experience planning large events, like dances, due to COVID.  

Since the school dance is an optional event, Schoenfield says that no strict COVID measures are being put in place. Much like the start of school, masks and vaccinations will be recommended, but ultimately optional.  

As far as the cost to put on such a large production like a school dance, Ms. Wheeler, Helena High’s student council and leadership teacher, said, “the dance will roughly cost about $2,000,” with most of the money going to renting the venue. She continued by saying student council has done 3 concession shifts this year to raise funds which has helped their tight budget. Normally, student council makes their money from putting on dances, but since Helena High hasn’t had a dance since 2019, they’ve had to watch their numbers more closely. However, luckily for student council, Ms. Wheeler said “the community has been generous with donations and discounts when we just purchase things.”  

Student Council spends months planning the formal, but as for their duties the night of the event, Schoenfield says student council members are not required to attend. They do participate in setting up a few hours before or cleaning up after, but otherwise, if they attend, they are free to enjoy the dance with all the other students.  

Lane said that she was very excited for the Blizzard Ball as dances are one of the biggest events student council gets to put on. Student council senior Jack Adamson added that student council is putting the playlist together for this year’s dance, but it will still feature a DJ as well. 

For students who have yet to attend a dance, winter formal is a perfect place to start. It is traditionally less formal than prom, with shorter rather than full-length gowns being the norm. Another important difference is that, unlike prom, students of all grades can and are encouraged to come. 

Tickets went on sale Monday with singles being $15 and doubles being $25 until the 29th and then becoming $20 for singles and $35 for doubles the week leading up to the dance. Tickets can be purchased across from the counselor’s office at lunch. The event starts at 8 and ends at 11. See you at the Lewis and Clark Fairgrounds on February 5th