Annabelle’s Curtain Call
Jackie (left), me (middle), and Emmi (right) on one of our last days writing for the Nugget Newspaper.
Here we are folks, another school year gone by, and my very last year of high school completed. It still does not feel real that I am writing this letter, in fact, I do not think that anything about graduation will feel real until I have walked across the stage, clad in my cap and gown with my diploma in hand. However, as writing has been a positive outlet for me in the past, I would like to share my final thoughts on life as a high schooler and say some goodbyes to the people and places I loved the most in Helena High School.
Firstly, I would like to write a goodbye to the Helena High School Choir program, specifically a goodbye to Starlighters and Treble Choir. Choir has been a steadfast and core part of my life for the past four years, and without it I truly do not think I would be the person I am today. I have not only been blessed with amazing teachers, but I have been blessed with meeting some of my closest and most dear friends in that program. My daily choir class has always been a safe place for me, and it has always been a place for me to make amazing memories of playing Heart and Soul on the piano, crying over the Lucky Sweater, and making music with some of the people I care about the most. Even though I will be continuing music in college as Vocal Performance major, I will sorely miss the boisterous environment of Helena High School choirs, and it is for them that I am eternally grateful.
I would also like to give a thank you to all the incredible and passionate teachers that I have had throughout my high school career. It was not an easy task for anyone to suddenly switch to online learning, and it was not easy to come back to school after COVID either. However, whether I was in or out of Helena High School itself, my teachers worked their hardest to make sure I was still learning and that I pushed through the most challenging times of my academic life. Their patience and genuine care for their students is inspiring, and I thank them all for giving me the motivation and encouragement to succeed.
However, this letter would not be complete without saying goodbye to the Nugget Newspaper itself. Similarly to my choir classes, the Nugget has been one of my favorite and most treasured classes throughout all my years of high school. The hours that I have spent writing reviews, laughing with my fellow writers, and playing with Ms. Walsh’s dog Muldoon have been some of my favorite memories of my time at Helena High, and I am so lucky that I got to be a part of such an amazing team of people. Thank you to Jasper, Ethan, Will, Maisie, Sammy, Emmi, Jackie, and Ms. Walsh for being the lovely people that you all are. I have adored every second of our time eating Great Harvest and listening to Spotify together, and I will always remember the comfort and personal growth this class has given me. You are all such amazing souls, and I cannot wait to hear more about your lives as you pursue your next great adventures.
So dear reader, I leave you with this: in the words of the legendary Andy Bernard, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them”. While what the Nard Dog has to say is quite wise, I am under the firm belief that any day can be the good old days, and it’s the memories you make and the company you keep that make it so. It’s no secret that high school has the potential to absolutely suck, however, if you can find the people and the things that make you the happiest, even the bad days can easily turn into some of the best memories that you make. Find good in every day, even though it may seem minute. Find the people that bring you joy and will lift you up when you are down, even if that means stepping outside of your own comfort zone to do so. Trust me, the days fly into months, which eventually blend into years, so cherish the time that you have right now. The present is one of the most precious things we have control over, so live and relish every minute of it.
Lots of love,
Annabelle Heun