Home for the Holidays: A Corona Christmas
December 14, 2020
We’re knee deep in the holiday season, up to our necks in fruit cake and candied mixed nuts, and winter break is rapidly approaching. With only a couple weeks left until this much anticipated traditional period of calming rejoice among students, things are, to no surprise, bound to look very different this year. Shocker.
Christmas break is most kids’ favorite time of the entire year because we get a long period away from school, schoolwork, and anything school related. We get to stay home, enjoy ourselves, and forget about our responsibilities while chugging eggnog and lounging in flannel pajamas for longer than we deserve. As glorious as this sounds, it’s not a far stretch to say most of us have been living this life since March.
Instead of looking forward to sleeping in, no work, and not having to be present in school, we now only have the no work part of that to look forward to. That’s still a super nice treat, but it almost seems as though our “vacations” are slightly more anticlimactic this year considering we’re only in person twice a week, if that.
Local ski hills and resorts are so tightly confined to Covid restrictions that a family ski trip may be more restriction than skiing. Yearly Christmas strolls and festivals are cancelled due to safety concerns, so those are ruled out. Gatherings are discouraged so many of us obedient and considerate citizens can’t congregate with loved ones or acquaintances. Bing Crosby isn’t alone this year; we’re all going to be home for Christmas.
So, what is there, if anything, to look forward to over the holiday time off? Much like Perry Como, we’re all home for the holidays. Luckily for you, you’ve come to the right place for answers. Sit back and roast those chestnuts over the open fire kids, your Uncle Chris is going to spin you a list of his recommendations for this unique Corona Christmas.
Catch up (even further) on Netflix shows and movies:
This one seems like kind of a no-brainer. Since quarantine began, we’ve all admittedly binged something on Netflix or another streaming platform. There’s just not much else to do. Thankfully, some of these platforms have consistently put out new content for viewers to keep us entertained during this exciting time of boredom.
There are also a few new Christmas movies out on these streaming platforms, like Netflix’s new Christmas Chronicles sequel. The first may have been garbage, but now you have the opportunity to see if the second one is any better! I, for one, am currently viewing the newest season of Big Mouth on Netflix. I highly recommend it.
Crack open that box of Christmas cereal:
A little unexpected that I, of all people, would be recommending cereal, but there are some pretty awesome Christmas themed cereals out right now. Cereals like Cap’n Crunch’s Christmas Crunch and Rice Krispies with holiday colors are currently on the shelves, and although they’re just the normal version of themselves but more festive, they make you feel Christmassy for eating them.
There are also limited time Christmas cereals that are unique and won’t be available soon. Elf cereal is pretty great, and Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch is just as good, if not even a little better than Cinnamon Toast Crunch, so I recommend you give these a shot before they’re gone, if for nothing more than to say you had them.
Watch more football:
Hopefully you’ve been following the events of the National Football League this season, because as the playoffs are right around the corner, things are heating up. There are still quite a few more games to watch until the much-anticipated Superbowl, and with all kinds of cancellations and postponements, we’re getting more gamedays. Take advantage of this treat and watch more football!
Enjoy the lack of snow:
Where’s all the snow? Christmas is in a couple weeks and it’s dry as a bone. I’m sure there are many happy Montanans out there who are rejoicing, but my fellow skiers and I are a little bummed. Not that we can really enjoy much skiing anyway, but snow just kind of completes the season. This inclusion was more sarcastic but may be a legitimate suggestion for summer lovers.
Watch the same old Christmas movies on repeat:
I’ve already seen my favorites (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Elf, and A Christmas Story) more times than I can count. Watching new movies and shows is a great pastime, but sometimes you just need to indulge, and overindulge with the classics.
Stay home (please):
As I mentioned before, we’re all suffering from cabin fever as it is, but suffer a little longer please. We are still struggling to maintain a healthy society with the virus running its merry little way around, so doing your part to decrease numbers would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Sit on the couch:
This one is a little shoutout to the unsung heroes of the pandemic: our couches! We appreciate the hell out of you couches. Far more than we seem to realize sometimes, and through this whole shutdown we’ve been partaking in your comforts more than ever. Show your couch some love and appreciation by taking in all the beauties of sitting.
All the before mentioned activities can be enjoyed from the comfort of your sectional so just sit back and relax and enjoy that couch.
Hopefully some of these creative suggestions, provided by yours truly, appeal to you. Things may be looking rough out in the world, but luckily, we’re shut in. Make the most of this Christmas break because Christmas only comes once a year, and Quarantine Christmas only comes once in a lifetime. Hopefully.