School Tips from Uncle Chris
October 23, 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic has made us realize, among other things, just how set in our ways we are. When it comes to school, we are so used to doing things a certain way that it can prove difficult to adapt. Our situation has its fair share of obstacles right now, and that likely won’t change, but there are things every student can do to make this weird experience just a little more manageable.
In-person schooling abruptly and unexpectedly coming to an end last spring left us all scrambling to figure out how to proceed with our education. Teachers took different approaches in trying to educate their students remotely, but no one really knew what they were doing if we’re being totally honest. However, now that teachers are on the same page, expectations are clearer.
Teachers have laid out specific methods of teaching their students either fully or partially online. This may be tough to get used to, but looking at the bright side, if you ever miss a day of school for whatever reason, you’ll less likely to fall behind because you have access to all of it online.
Following each teacher’s agenda and expectations is something we did before the pandemic, and now it’s just a matter of adjusting to it on a semi-digital basis.
TIP 1: Check your teachers’ class pages as well as your school email and TEAMS channels regularly.
This will help you stay on top of your work and know what’s happening in your classes for the week, assuming all technology components are cooperating. Use a personal planner or calendar app to keep track of your assignments and due dates.
TIP 2: Don’t procrastinate.
Staying on top of your work is a life saver. In our current circumstances, falling behind with your schoolwork is the difference between total success or complete failure. If you do as much as you can as best you can, you won’t fall behind, and you’ll be thanking yourself down the road.
TIP 3: Don’t blow off the remote learning days.
It’s important to remember that your three days at home are not vacation days. Checking in with teachers, seeking help, doing attendance check-ins, and grinding on work are all things that may seem painful but are necessary for your success.
TIP 4: Practice good time management by setting small goals for yourself each day.
Don’t try to do everything at once. Getting into a routine to work at a pace that works for you can be tricky, but once you’ve done that, the rest is smooth sailing.
I hope these tips benefit you and help keep you afloat in the months to come! Keep at it Bengals!