Senior Serendipity?
There has been a lot of talk, speculation, and controversy around the graduating class of 2020 and whether or not their graduation ceremony will be cancelled. After attending school for well over two-thirds of their lives, it seems as though the fate of what they’ve been working towards (graduation) hangs in the balance. At this uncertain time in everyone’s lives, there are many unknowns, graduation being one. Different solutions or alternatives have been discussed but the final decision is still up in the air.
HHS seniors are pretty much unanimous that the cancelling of a formal graduation ceremony would be a huge letdown and very devastating. Of all the grade levels that are being affected by the school closures, the high school seniors are undoubtedly taking the biggest emotional hit. Senior athletes’ final seasons have been cut short for a lot of people, stripping them of their last chance to letter. Their very last prom has been postponed indefinitely, and will likely be cancelled, which is heartbreaking for everyone, especially for those who had already purchased prom necessities like dresses, tuxes, corsages, etc.
However, of all the letdowns for the seniors, the biggest and most affecting to everyone is their graduation ceremony. With the current social distancing orders still effective, a mass ceremony just isn’t possible, and that’s for the greater good of everyone no matter how sad it may be. Unless those orders are lifted, it simply can’t happen. There was talk of some kind of virtual graduation or something along those lines, but that is seemingly disappointing to the seniors who are missing out on the opportunity of a ceremony they’ve been waiting for.
For the seniors who have purchased graduation caps, tassels, and robes, not being able to use them for a ceremony would be very frustrating. As far as we know, no final decisions have been made yet, so we will have to wait and see how graduation pans out for our seniors.