Welcome to Junior Year. Now Here’s Your Diploma
February 13, 2019
Graduating from high school is a huge step for everyone. After all, life begins all over again the second you receive your diploma. While most students greatly benefit from four years of high school, graduating early can be more valuable to others. Yes, completing high school in a minimum of three years can require a lot of time and energy, however, the pros can certainly make up for all the hard work.
So how do you do it? You still must obtain the required number of credits that you would receive during all four years. Often, this means taking online classes or having a longer school schedule. In addition, your principal and guardian(s) must approve of your early graduation. Having good grades, a set plan, and a legitimate reason is crucial to this step.
If you’re interested in doing this, here are some things to think about:
- You can save money if you take advantage of it. We all know the real world isn’t cheap, entering the workforce a year early can allow you to save money for college, so you don’t owe as much in student loans.
- It allows you to establish residency in another state. If you’re looking to attend an out of state college, it’s going to cost more money. All states require long-term stay before recognizing you as a citizen. This differentiates from state to state but if you’re able to do this, you can receive in state tuition at the school of your choice.
- You can take a gap year to travel, and still be on track. Gap years are increasing in popularity, and some colleges are even offering scholarships for you to travel. While the curriculum is important, being culturally educated is equally important.
- You can avoid the senioritis. Some of us have suffered from this for years, so here’s your chance to finally rid yourself of it. Many students would much rather experience something new than be tempted to slack off during their last year. It’s true, missing out on a year of the high school experience can be a bummer but leaving early can also reboot your energy levels and get you motivated again.
Benjamin Williams, a former Helena High School student and current MSU student, graduated high school in 2018 after his junior year. He says, “graduating early was the best thing I did for myself in high school. I was able to make money that I support myself with through college.” Ben is currently in his first semester of college in Bozeman and is planning to transfer to Oregon soon. “It has taught me so many important things. A lot of life lessons. I feel like I’m getting a hang of actual independence. I thought I might regret it at first, but I don’t at all. Graduating early prepared me financially and mentally for the real world.”
Ultimately, early graduation is no walk in the park, but the outcome can be so worth it. For those of you who are considering it, know that it’s certainly possible and can in many ways, better prepare you for your future.